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The Dice Tower is an Internet podcast about tabletop games. Your hosts for the show are Tom Vasel, noted game reviewer, industry veteran Julie Ahern, and voice actor and reviewer Eric Summerer. 

In the show, Tom, Julie, and Eric talk about boardgames, card games, wargames, miniatures, and the people who play them.

New to the Dice Tower? Then listen to: Episode 0: Introduction & Top 15 Games a New Gamer Should Buy

Nov 28, 2017

In this show, we talk about Pie Town, Montana, The Palace of Mad King Ludwig, Harvest Dice, Meeple Circus and Sunny Day.  We also go back and take a look at Roll Through the Ages and For Sale, talk about Jeju Island, and look at a few apps!

Nov 21, 2017

In this show, we are recording live from PAX Unplugged 2017.  We pull various people from the crowd to talk about their and our experiences, mention a few games that we've played, and hear Geoff talk about...losing?  Finally, we end the show being joined by Sam and Zee for our top ten games that need a sequel.

Nov 14, 2017

It's a review show spectacular!  In this show, we talk about Nusfjord, Claim, Merlin, Pulsar 2849, Otys, Battlefold, CV Pocket, and Altiplano.  We also end the show with a few questions from our listeners!

Nov 7, 2017

In this show, we talk about Richard the Lionheart, Indian Summer, Space Freaks, Wasteland Express Delivery Service, Meeple Circus, and Pyramid of the Sun.  We hear a tale of mystery, and end the show with our top ten experiences of the huge Spiel fair at Essen...

Nov 2, 2017

In this episode, we come to you live from Essen!  The four hosts are joined by Sam and Zee for some thoughts on the fair itself.  Our comedy team makes an appearance, and we end the show with our annual game show!