Jun 22, 2016
In this show, Sam Healey and Zee Garcia join as hosts and we talk about some of the games we saw at Origins, including Tyrants of the Underdark, Captain Sonar, and more! Chaz Marler gives his impressions, we play a live version of the Match Game, and we end the show answering questions including how we would die in an...
Jun 14, 2016
Huzzah! In this pre-Origins 2016 episode, Eric and Tom talk about Guilds of London, Council of Four, IceCool, and Box of Rocks. We hear from a TON of our contributors, from Takenoko to Um Reifenbreite to Imperial Settlers. A harrowing tale of treachery is told, and we talk about our favorite ten medieval themed...
Jun 7, 2016
In this show, recorded live at the UK Gaming Expo, Tom and Sam take a look at games they played before and during the fair, talk about our trip to London and Nottingham, and banter with a few Dice Tower contributors. We also give a preview of Skythe.