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The Dice Tower is an Internet podcast about tabletop games. Your hosts for the show are Tom Vasel, noted game reviewer, industry veteran Julie Ahern, and voice actor and reviewer Eric Summerer. 

In the show, Tom, Julie, and Eric talk about boardgames, card games, wargames, miniatures, and the people who play them.

New to the Dice Tower? Then listen to: Episode 0: Introduction & Top 15 Games a New Gamer Should Buy

May 27, 2014

In this show, Mark takes the ten by ten challenge, Geoff examines a gaming lawsuit, Brian takes a look at Betrayal at House on the Hill, and Bill talks about running a convention.  We review Hearthstone, Formula E, Marrying Mr. Darcy, Horse Show, Race Formula 90, and Dungeon Dice; and then take a look at the Spiel des...

May 20, 2014

In this show, we talk about Dungeon Petz, Khet, C3K, Mission Red Planet, Ka-boom, and Toss Your Cookies!  We also hear about a Tale of Jerkiness, why Eric hates Citadels, and several other questions and answers.  Finally, we end the show with our top ten games with...

May 13, 2014

In this show, we are joined by Brad Talton from Level 99 Games, and proceed to talk about Polar Derby, There’s A Moose In The House, the X-wing Rebel Transport, Ruse, Boss Monster, Android Netrunner: Honor and Profit, and Splendor.  We start a new game show, listen to a tale of Horror, learn how to win at...

May 6, 2014

In this show, Tom talks about the gaming in LA, we discuss our Origins Game Fair plans, and we talk about The Agents,Cube Quest, Great Heartland Hauling Company, and Loot.  Once again we answer questions, we look at a slash fiction game, and we talk about our top ten asymetrical...