May 26, 2015
In this show, we talk about The Boardgame Geek Card Game, Trifecta, Duck Duck Go, Tigris & Euphrates, String Safari, Telepathy, and Dimension. Our contributors talk about cheating, Ra, Top Promoter, Forbidden Island, and Game State. We have a tale of Horror and a new Tale of Treachery! We talk about copying board...
May 19, 2015
In this show, Tom and Eric take a look at Master Fox, Pew Pew!, One Zero One, Konito, Double Feature, and Space Movers. We also get some GREAT questions from our listeners, and finish the show with our top ten game with fantastic plastic...
May 12, 2015
In this show, we talk about Greenland, Double Feature, Wordariffic, Emergence Event, Antidote, the Majority, and Race to the Rhine. We talk about a few more games from our childhood, Geoff talks about stats, Bill about GenCon, and Brian about Star Wars Epic Duels. We end the show with a question about...
May 5, 2015
In this show, we talk about Hare and Tortoise, Xenoshyft, The Fittest, The Grasshopper and the Ant, Elevenses, and Pandante. We answer questions about conventions, alpha gamers, and more - and finally end the show with our favorite ten game for a "double...